It is hard to over look the fact that times are getting darker. Hello I'm vrIst, doomsday seems to be getting closer every time you turn around. I am starting this compilation to hopefully reach out to other like minded people. Some of the things I plan to discuss are apocalyptic scenarios, surviving the Apocalypse, government collapse, ET life, quantum physics, alternative energy and so on and so forth. As well as theories and discussions I hope to compile and archive of learning information.
Things you should know about me. I have the habit of going on and on and on and eventually end up completely off topic. I will try my best not to but if I start to ramble don't say I didn't say so. Lately I have been very focused on alternative energy sources so there may be a lot of discussion time spent on that.
Well I think this will do for an introduction post. Please feel free to put your two cents in, I'm really looking forward to hearing other peoples theories on such matters.
I will make my contact information available please feel free to contact me.
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